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Dr Purdy has a fiduciary duty towards his patients; to have their best interests in mind and to act in good faith, with honesty and integrity.




You have either made your own appointment with Dr Purdy or you have been referred to the Practice by your General Practitioner.


As a private practice, Dr Purdy sets his own fees. These fees apply to all patients who are uninsured, underinsured or on medical schemes where Dr Purdy does not have a payment arrangement in place. 


You will be asked to read and sign the Patient Terms of Agreement/Informed Billing Consent document, which outlines our duties and billing policy along with important information regarding a patient's rights and responsibilities. If you do not agree with our terms/billing policy, please do not sign it - you are free to cancel your appointment and seek treatment elsewhere.




  • Your first consultation will last approximately 20 minutes. If you are a member of a registered South African medical scheme, we will invoice your fund for code 0191 (Dr Purdy's rate is R1,200).  

  • Your follow-up consultation(s) will last approximately 10 minutes. If you are a member of a registered South African medical scheme, we will invoice your fund for code 0190 (Dr Purdy's rate is R1,000).

  • Your medical scheme pays Doctors at rates they set (and these rates have no bearing on the costs of running a practice). Our billing software works out the amount that will not be covered by the scheme and that becomes your co-payment (the difference between Dr Purdy's rate and what your fund pays; payable on day of consultation).

  • If Dr Purdy needs to do additional work-ups he may bill the following over and above the consultation codes of 0190 or 0191: ultrasound/sonar (code 3628/3629 - R800) and/or uroflow (code 1989/1992 - R450) and/or urine dipsticks (code 4188 - R20).

  • If Dr Purdy needs to use consumable items (such as catheters, catheter trays, saline, etc); these items will be invoiced along with the relevant consultation code. Sometimes these items are not paid by the medical scheme because they are scheme exclusions. You will be notified if the scheme does not cover any items.

  • If you present at the rooms as an emergency consultation, it is permissible to charge over and above consultation codes of 0190 or 0191. Dr Purdy may bill code 0146 at R220.

  • If you make a request for a repeat prescription without a consultation, we will invoice your fund for code 0132 at R150.

  • Should you or your broker make a request for the completion of insurance forms or the medical aid requires additional motivations for treatment and/or consumables necessary for your treatment, we will invoice code 0133 at R500. Where the insurer advises they cover the costs, we will invoice the insurer directly at their rate.

  • There is no cost for one routine post-operative consultation (up to one month after the procedure).

  • There is no IN-ROOMS co-payment for consultation code 0190 or 0191 for patients on Bestmed, Bonitas (excluding BonComprehensive, BonCap and BonStart), Fedhealth, GEMS, Keyhealth, Medihelp and Polmed UNLESS your funds are depleted (or there is a scheme exclusion). All other additional work-up codes (e.g. ultrasound, uroflow, dipsticks) are billed at contract rates.


If you need to undergo surgery, you will be counselled as to the risks/benefits of performing the surgery and/or the risks of choosing to forgo treatment. Choosing not to pursue treatment is within your rights as is seeking a second opinion. You will be asked to read and sign the Procedure-Specific Consent document, which outlines alternative treatments (if any), the possible complications and information about any co-payments. Dr Purdy cannot continue with treatment if he does not have your written consent. You will also be given a document outlining the procedure to take home. If there is anything you do not understand, please do not sign the consent - you are free to discuss your reservations at any point in the process with Dr Purdy. 




  • Dr Purdy uses Discovery Health Classic Rates as his Billing Policy for all codes billed in hospital.

  • Non-Discovery Health Classic plan options and other non-contracted medical schemes only cover about half of the fee and a co-payment then applies (the amount differs based upon medical scheme and specific plan option).

  • Please ensure you receive a quotation based upon your specific scheme/plan option. By signing the quotation you agree to the payment of the amount that your medical scheme will not be covering. If you did not receive one, you may request one via email:

  • There are no additional IN-HOSPITAL costs/co-payments for patients on Discovery Classic Option, Bestmed, Bonitas (excluding BonComprehensive, BonCap and BonStart), Fedhealth, GEMS, Keyhealth, Medihelp and Polmed.

  • While every attempt is made to book patients for theatre at their Network Hospitals, it still remains the patient's responsibility to ensure they are aware of their medical aid plan option limitations regarding where they may be treated. Hospital costs are separate from Dr Purdy's fee.

  • Similarly, the Anaesthetists fee is also separate to Dr Purdy's fee, and patients need to discuss with the Anaesthetist prior to scheduled surgery.


If at any point in your interactions with Dr Purdy or staff at the practice, you do not understand something, please ask us for clarity. It is your duty and right to indicate to us when you need more information and/or explanations. Practice staff are not permitted to discuss clinical information and/or share results. In cases where patients seek further explanation surrounding a procedure, Dr Purdy will always get back to his patients.




  • If you wish to, you can download and complete Dr Purdy's Welcome Pack prior to your consultation. It contains the Patient Terms of Agreement/Informed Billing Consent forms and the Patient Details Form.

  • If you do not have a printer,  you may wish to use LogBox to submit your information electronically to the practice (an SMS link is sent at the time that your cellphone number is added to our electronic diary; or you can go to LogBox and give Dr Purdy access to your digital information by inserting his practice number: 0519693).

  • Alternatively, you may arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to complete the forms in the rooms.

  • It is often useful to bring along the following information (if you have it): a list of medications you are currently on; previous surgical history; laboratory test results; x-rays or scans; details of the referring doctor (referral letter); a bladder diary (if indicated and you have previously kept one) and any copies of medical reports. If your medical scheme requires it, please bring the referral number/specialist authorisation number from your GP (some medical schemes do not backdate this number so you need to plan accordingly).

  • Please bring your ID and Medical Aid Card (or a digital card can be emailed to the practice as well).





For the most up-to-date information 

contact our rooms directly at 016-454-4559

Dr Purdy does not double-book his diary. Sometimes urologic emergencies (in the hospital ward or on another Doctor's theatre list or with the previous patient) need to be attended to first and this could mean Dr Purdy runs late for your scheduled appointment. These cases are unavoidable and we appreciate your patience in these instances. 

The Welcome Pack (which you may complete and bring along to your first consultation) contains the following documents:

  • Patient Terms of Agreement / Informed Billing Consent

  • SpesNet Patient-Practice Contract

  • Patient Details Form


The Promotion of Access to Information Act Manual contains the following documents:

  • The manual specific to Dr Purdy's practice

  • The request form to be used

  • The costs associated with various types of information being requested

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