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Services We Offer:

Urology is a surgical specialty that involves in-depth knowledge of the male and female urinary systems as well as male reproductive organs. Services include work-up of patients and various medical and surgical treatments (often minimally-invasive) related to the specialty.


First Consultation

Typically, this consultation lasts approximately 20 minutes. The presenting complaint is clearly defined on history and physical examination and often supplemented by a renal tract ultrasound and urine dipsticks performed in the rooms. Occasionally, additional information is also gained by a measurement of urine flow (again, performed in the rooms). If necessary, further laboratory tests or scans are arranged. Medical therapy, if appropriate, may be instituted at the conclusion of this initial consultation.


Medical Treatments

Fortunately many urologic illnesses may be treated with medication. In some cases (and where deemed appropriate after work-up), it is possible to manage prostate symptoms, overactive bladder symptoms, urinary stones, erectile dysfunction, low testosterone and many infections, purely with medical therapies.


Minimally-invasive Treatments

These are treatments that typically use a telescopic device, which may be placed through the urethra (water pipe) to access the urinary tract (cystoscopy and ureteroscopy); or through the abdominal wall to visualise and access the abdominal organs (laparoscopy). Fortunately, when surgery is necessary for urologic illnesses, many may be managed utilising minimally-invasive treatments. These treatments are typically utilised in the treatment of urinary stones, enlarged prostates, bladder tumours, urethral strictures, kidney tumours and undescended testes, to name a few of the procedures we offer. Other non-endoscopic minimally-invasive procedures commonly performed include mid-urethral slings for urinary incontinence in women, Interstim for various indications and brachytherapy for prostate cancer in men.


Open Surgery

Occasionally it is necessary to perform open surgery. This could include (but again, is not limited to): circumcisions, repair of hydrocoeles, vasectomies, repair of inguinal hernias, removal of very enlarged prostates, removal of advanced kidney or bladder cancers in advanced stages of disease.

Useful Links:


Patient Resources:



  • CANSA [The Cancer Association of South Africa is an NPO that enables research, educates the public and provides support to all people affected by cancer]


  • MacMillan Cancer Support [the largest cancer support resource in the UK containing particularly useful information for patients with prostate cancer]

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